23 January 2019
Understanding Payments course now available
After a successful trial last year, we now have a 2 day, Understanding Payments course available. The course is a combination of the Payment Basics and Digital Payment Fundamentals courses, providing a broad payments starter course for people new to payments or upgrading their skills.

We have also created a resource assessment for this course for you to see if this course is right for you.

Please contact The EFT Company for more information.

8 June 2018
AS2805 training course assessment now available
We are happy to announce that our resource assessment for the AS2805 training course is now available.

Please contact The EFT Company for more information.

8 February 2018
Updated training courses
Our training courses have been updated with the latest payments information, including an expanded section on Gift Cards.

To provide more flexible and focussed training, the training courses are now being run on-site at customer premises.